Mon, May 11, 2020
Read in 2 minutes
Austin Hub, Texas, USA Originally from Austin, Texas
Hope is the view across the table
The game aside to break the family bread.
Eyes on the view of just the four of us.
No need to check the news,
let the waves crash as they must
steady as chaos around the table,
just the four of us.
And for a moment the world pauses
so our real life can begin.
This laughter that will save us,
While thrones are sinking like stones.
The arch of smiles and tears from equal seats
Bridge the crest between the light of presence
and imagined darkness.
When our table again greets the shore,
great depths difference than the souls we were before,
Our masks will have drifted towards the bottom
While we let our troubles slide happily once again.
Perhaps it’s the floor falling beneath us
That shows us the door to the placidness within.
Hope is the steadiness of life looking for love.
Mirrors in one another that show us we’re enough.
The world crashed hard around us
But we smiled through it all.
It rings true the paradox of forgiving,
the more we give away
the more that we are given.
Cousin gave up his job to create a life worth living.
I trust this wood is good and carries us to the true call.
When we gaze across the table
And remember why this life’s worth living after all.